Financial Support
A number of graduate assistantships are available from the participating academic units. Teaching assistantships provide opportunities for graduate students to participate in the teaching of undergraduate courses. Research assistantships are available primarily through grants obtained by individual faculty. MESP students in both the Department of Environmental Sciences and the Biology Department can also be considered for assistantship funding through the Shannon Point Marine Center (SPMC), usually during the second year when their thesis research is underway at SPMC.
Full-time graduate assistants work 20 hours per week and, by University regulation, are not allowed additional salary or employment from any other university office or program. Half-time graduate assistants work 10 hours per week and may work additional hours on campus, not to exceed a total of 20 hours per week. Both full- and part-time assistants must be enrolled for a minimum of 8 credits each quarter.
A full-time graduate assistantship is a competitive award that carries important responsibilities and substantial benefits. Current salaries, graduate assistantship policies and application forms are available on the WWU graduate school website. Full-time assistants are generally eligible for remission of approximately 90% of their tuition costs. Other forms of support that will pay salary on an hourly basis or pay partial or total tuition fees may also be available. There is an opportunity to indicate interest in a teaching assistantship on the online WWU graduate program application form.